Painful urination in toddler girl
- painful urination in kids
- painful pee in kids
- painful urination in toddler boy
- painful urination in toddler girl treatment
Child pain when urinating home remedies
Painful urination in toddler girl treatment.
How to Handle Pain While Peeing
What Causes Pain While Peeing?
Pain while peeing (urinating) can be caused by different things, including:
- infection in the urinary tract
- irritation or injury of the genital area
- stones (small masses of minerals) in the urinary tract
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are the most common cause of pain during peeing.
What Are the Signs & Symptoms of Pain While Peeing?
- burning or stinging with peeing
- the urge to pee more often
- bad-smelling, bloody, or discolored pee
- fever or chills
- decreased appetite or activity
- irritability
- nausea or vomiting
- lower back pain or abdominal (belly) pain
- wetting accidents (in potty-trained kids)
What Can I Do About Pain While Peeing?
- Call the doctor if your child has pain while peeing or can't pee.
- Follow the doctor's treatment instructions.
- Encourage drinking lots of water and other caffeine-free liquids.
- Give acetaminophen or ibuprofen as needed for discomfort.
What Can Help Prevent Pain While Peeing?
- Avoid bubble baths and perfumed soaps.
Wash the genital area with only mild s
- painful urination in toddler girl not uti
- painful urination in children