How are you in arabic
- thank u in arabic language
- thanks in arabic language
- thank you in arabic language
- thank you in arabic language pronunciation
You're welcome in arabic...
How to Say "Thank You" in Arabic
"Tislam/Tislami" (تسلم/ تسلمي): "Be well!"This phrase originates from the root verb "salama," which means to "come out safe or healthy." The expression is used mainly throughout the Levant, Egypt and some parts of the Gulf.
When blessing someone has given you a gift or a favor, use "tislam" for a man and "tislami" for a woman.
- To bless the hands that have given you a gift or lifted away a burden, add "ideyk" (إيديك) for a male or "ideyki" (إيديكي) for a female.
Thank you (in arabic jazakallah)
- Thank you (in arabic jazakallah)
- Thank you in arabic shukran
- You're welcome in arabic
- Thank you in arabic pronunciation
- How to say thank you in arabic islam
This changes the expression to "may your hands enjoy health."
"Yeslamou" (يسلموا): "May your hands stay safe." When you're in Syria or Lebanon, say this if you'd like to be polite and respectful to someone who's provided you a service—such as a waiter or contractor.
It's a kind expression to honor all the work they've done for you.[11]
"Ea'esht" (عشت): "May you live a long life." Express this kind sentiment in Syria and Lebanon.
It's a way to make someone smile because you appreciate them and their sweet gesture.[12]
"Yea'yshak" (يِعَيِ
- thank you in arabic for female
- thank you in arabic for birthday wishes