Jql created in last week
- jql created in last week
- jql tickets created in last week
- jql created in last 2 weeks
- jql created date last week
However I am not sure how it will provide me the filter I need for the IT project tickets which are created last week and never been updated by the assignee?!
History searches with JQL
To search for updates that have been made in the past, you can use WAS or CHANGED operators.
JQL works only for some fields with history changes, which include Assignee, Fix Version, Priority, Reporter, Resolution, and Status.
11. Find issues where the status was Done for some assignee during last year.
status WAS Done AND assignee WAS “Jack” DURING (“2022-01-01”, “2023-01-01”)
This JQL will provide you the results of all issues across all projects created between last week Tuesday 8 am to this week Tuesday 8 am.
Find issues where priority changed from medium to low during the past 24 hours.
priority CHANGED FROM Medium TO Low AFTER -1d
13. Find issues updated by some users during the past two weeks.
issuekey IN updatedBy(“Jack”, “-2w”)
How about other fields that JQL doesn’t support?
Updates may include sprints, issue types, summaries, comments, due dates, and more. To see changes to these or any fields you have, you can try alternative solutions like Issue History for Jira. It is a diary of changes, and with available filters, you can search for the items you need.
Example.Get the list of issues for t
- jql list of issues
- jql updated in the last hour