Voting age lowered to 16

    how old to vote in primaries
    how to vote in primaries
    how to vote in primaries ohio
    states where 17-year-olds can vote in primaries
  • How old to vote in primaries
  • Why is the voting age 18...

    Who can and cannot vote

    Who can vote?

    You can vote in U.S. federal, state, and local elections if you:

    • Are a U.S. citizen (some areas allow non-citizens to vote in local elections only), including: 
      • U.S.

        citizens living outside of the United States.

        When do you have to turn 18 to vote in the 2024 election

      • When do you have to turn 18 to vote in the 2024 election
      • How old do you have to be to vote usa
      • Why is the voting age 18
      • Can you vote if you turn 18 on election day
      • When was the voting age reduced from 21 to 18
      • Learn more from the U.S. Department of State about voting as a U.S. citizen abroad.

      • U.S. citizens who were born abroad and have never lived in the United States. Your eligibility to vote is based on the state where your parents last lived or were registered to vote.

        Find out what states may permit you to vote absentee.

      • Dual citizens living in the United States or abroad
    • Meet your state’s residency requirements
    • Are 18 years old on or before Election Day
      • In almost every state, you can register to vote before you turn 18 if you will be 18 by Election Day. 
      • Some states allow 17-year-olds who will be 18 by Election Day to vote in primaries.
    • Are registered to vote by your state's voter registration deadline.

      North Dakota does not require voter registration.

    Who cannot vote?

    Check with your state or local

      how old do you have to be to vote in the primaries
      how old do you have to be to vote in primary elections