Gimp resize selection
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Gimp resize canvas.
A lot of the time when you’re combining or blending images, you’ll have to tweak the scale of one layer to make it fit better into the overall design. Whether you want to make everything look perfectly natural or create an ant the size of King Kong, the process is pretty simple – as long as you know what to watch out for.
Gimp resize layer
There are three main ways that you can resize a layer in GIMP: the Scale tool, the Unified Transform tool, and the Scale Layer command.
For simplicity’s sake, I recommend using the Scale tool, but the Unified Transform tool can save you some time if you also need to apply any other transformations such as rotation or perspective distortion.
The Scale Layer command is better for precision adjustments based on pixel size, rather than resizing your layer visually.
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Resize A Layer Using the Scale Tool
This is my preferred method for scaling a layer since most of the work I do in GIMP depends on visual alignments rather than pixel-perfect calculations.
It’s fast and easy, and there’s no risk of accidentally applying the
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