Management of asthma in pregnancy pdf
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- how to manage asthma in pregnancy
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Asthma during pregnancy 2nd trimester.
Asthma During Pregnancy
When you’re pregnant, breathing for two is serious business.
Asthma during pregnancy first trimester
Your baby-to-be needs a steady supply of oxygen to fuel her growth and development. So if your own oxygen supply is compromised due to untreated asthma, it could present a problem for the health of your pregnancy and your baby.
Here’s the good news: If you’re under close medical supervision by your obstetrician and your pulmonologist, you have just as excellent of a chance of having a healthy pregnancy as a mom without asthma.
What is asthma?
Asthma is a condition in which your airways become narrow and inflamed, making it difficult to breathe.
For some people, the condition is mild, but others can have severe attacks that flare up after even a little bit of physical activity.
What are the symptoms of asthma during pregnancy?
Common asthma symptoms during pregnancy include:Trusted SourceAmerican College of Allergy, Asthma, & ImmunologyPregnancy and AsthmaSee All Sources[1]
- Wheezing
- Chest tightness
- Coughing
- Shortness of breath
If you have asthma, it&rsqu
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