Blood in urine during pregnancy first trimester
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Blood in urine during pregnancy third trimester...
Reddish urine during pregnancy: Is it normal or an alarm?
Reddish urine or blood in urine during pregnancy can be alarming. But why does it happen? Well, usually it indicates Urinary Tract Infections or UTIs, a common phenomenon during pregnancy due to the growing pressure exerted by the fetus on the bladder and urinary tract making it easier for the bacteria to cause an infection.
Trace of blood in urine 36 weeks pregnant
During pregnancy, urine is comparatively less acidic in nature due to higher quantities of proteins, sugars and hormones, which may contribute to UTIs.
Common symptoms of UTI may include
* Painful urination
* Frequent urination
* Burning sensation while urinating
* Urine with an unusual odour
* Experiencing discomfort in the pelvic region
* Fever and backache
* Symptoms of hematuria or blood in the urine
Causes of Urinary Tract Infection or UTI
Urinary tract infection during pregnancy can be common.
Listed below are the three different types of UTIs with distinct characteristics during pregnancy.
1. Asymptomatic bacteriuria
This UTI tends to occur due to the bacteria present in a woman’s b
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