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    Things to do in Aguascalientes (Mexico): The 15 Best Places to Visit

    So you’ve decided to visit Aguascalientes on your next trip?

    Great choice!

    Aguascalientes City is the capital and largest city of the state of Aguascalientes in central Mexico.

    It’s a vibrant and modern city that combines its rich colonial heritage with its industrial and cultural development.

    It’s the birthplace of some of Mexico’s most renowned artists, such as José Guadalupe Posada who created La Catrina, a iconic character in the Day of the Dead celebrations.

    But Aguascalientes City is not only about history and culture.

    It’s also a city that knows how to have fun, especially during its famous Feria de San Marcos, which is one of the largest and most popular fairs in Mexico. The fair attracts millions of visitors every year who come to enjoy the music, food, rides, and art exhibitions.

    To help you discover this amazing city, I have prepared a guide of the Top 15 things to do in Aguascalientes, highlighting all must-see attractions and places to visit.

    Besides the

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