English to spanish
- tv shows in spanish translation
- television shows in spanish translation
- tv series in spanish translation
- television series in spanish translation
Television in spanish!
Translation of "TV show" into Spanish
el programa de televisión, la serie de televisión, programa de la tele are the top translations of "TV show" into Spanish.
Movies in spanish translationSample translated sentence: Mary appeared on the TV show 'Teen Mom'. ↔ Mary apareció en el programa de televisión "Teen Mom".
TV shownoun grammar
Abbreviation of [i]television show[/i].
el programa de televisión
Mary appeared on the TV show 'Teen Mom'.
Mary apareció en el programa de televisión "Teen Mom".
Spanish dictionary
- Tv show in spanish google translate
- Television in spanish
- Translate spanish to english
- Movie in spanish
The production designer is in charge of the look of the TV show.
El diseñador de producción está a cargo de la mirada de la serie de televisión.
programa de la tele
masculineIt's not like those TV shows where everything's perfect after surgery.
No es como los programas de la tele donde todo es perfecto tras la cirugía.
programa de televisión
nounmasculineMary appeared on the TV show 'Teen Mom
- reality tv shows in spanish translation
- watch tv shows in spanish translation