Can i use lard instead of shortening for pie crust

    lard in cookies instead of shortening
    can you use lard instead of shortening for cookies
    can i use lard instead of crisco for cookies
    can i use lard instead of shortening
  • Lard in cookies instead of shortening
  • Lard vs shortening for frying!

    Can i use lard instead of shortening

    However, if you find yourself without shortening or prefer not to use it, there are several alternatives that can produce equally delicious results.

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    Old-fashioned lard cookies


    The high fat content in butter helps to create a tender and delicate texture. Therefore, it is recommended to use slightly less butter than the amount of shortening stated in the recipe.

    2. Margarine

    Another option to replace shortening is margarine.

    While it can work as a substitute, keep in mind that the different brands of margarine vary in moisture content.


    Lard, shortening substitute

  • Is lard or shortening healthier
  • Lard vs shortening for frying
  • Can i use lard instead of shortening
  • Can i use lard instead of shortening for frosting
  • Coconut oil

    Coconut oil is an excellent substitute for shortening, especially in recipes with a tropical or exotic twist. However, since coconut oil tends to be denser than shortening, use a slightly smaller amount.


    Canola oil

    5. Olive oil


    Can i use lard instead of shortening for frosting


    If you prefer a non-fat substitute for shortening, applesauce is a fantastic option. Substitute half the amount of shortening with applesauce for best results.

    7. Yogurt

    Similar to applesauce, replace only half the amount

      lard cookies
      shortening in cookies