How to run c++ program in windows 10

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    how to compile c in windows cmd
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    How to compile c++ in linux...

    How to Compile and Run a C++ Program using a Command-Line Interface in Windows

    In this article, we show how to compile and run a C++ program using a command-line interface in Windows.

    Usually Command Prompt software would be used for Windows.

    So there are many ways to run a C++ program.

    How to run c++ code

    One way that you can do is through an IDE such as CodeLite. This has a text editor combined with a console for compiling. It's an all-in-one package.

    Another way a C++ program can be run is through using a simple text editor such as notepad, writing a C++ program, and then compile it using a command-line interface such as command prompt.

    We can then run the compiled file to get the output of the program.

    So in order to do this, we first create a C++ program using a text editor such as notepad.

    Online c++ compiler

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  • First, create a folder that simulates the workspace folder (which is a folder which contains many different projects). Then create folder within this folder (which simulates a project). Within this project folder, you want to place your C++ file that contains the C++ program that you want to r

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