How to involve employees in strategic planning

    how to involve employees in strategic planning
    how to involve staff in strategic planning
    how to engage staff in strategic planning
    how to conduct strategic planning
  • How to involve employees in strategic planning
  • Strategic planning for staff

  • Strategic planning for staff
  • Lead by example.
  • Involving employees in planning
  • Build strategy into employee annual work plans and performance assessments.
  • Link budget requests to strategy.
  • Involving employees in planning!

    Strategic Planning & Staff Engagement: A Two-Step Approach

    If you subscribe to the notion that leaders do the strategic planning and staff execute it, then getting a buy-in from the people who will make the plan come to life is critical.

    There are a few ways for leaders to engage staff so they feel included in the process without letting the strategy development execution process get out of hand. With this surefire two-step approach, you'll be on the right track.

    The 2 Steps To Strategic Planning & Staff Engagement

    Step 1:

    First, run some "brown paper" sessions with staff where you blow up the strategy map, post it on a conference room wall, and ask a group of about 20 staff to place sticky notes on the themes or objectives where they see their daily work fitting into the strategy.

    If employees have a hard time finding where they fit in, it can spark a useful, more in-depth conversation about the strategy map and objectives. Additionally, it may help reveal some areas where staff may be spending time on a project that is not important to the long-term st

      how to plan for strategic planning
      how do we involve employees in developing the strategic plan