Visceral fat range female
- how to reduce visceral fat in body
- how to reduce subcutaneous fat in body
- how to reduce belly fat in body
- how to reduce visceral fat in your body
Visceral fat chart...
How to 'get rid' of visceral fat: 6 science-backed methods
If you've clicked on this, you're probably one of the 1.6k people who Google 'how to get rid of visceral fat' every month.
As with pretty much everything in life, this will depend from person to person - your genetics, age, lifestyle, stress levels and sleep routine will all influence how you lose visceral fat, but providing you know how - and you go about it sustainably, studies show that there are things you can do.
Read on for our guide.
Meet the expert: Dr Nita Maha is a GP who specialises in women's health and lifestyle medicine.
What is visceral fat?Signs you are losing visceral fat
‘Visceral fat is fat located within your abdominal walls and can lie in spaces between your abdominal organs, such as the liver, intestine and stomach. Some visceral fat is necessary to protect and cushion your organs (it acts a bit like bubble wrap), as well as regulating your energy levels, but too much can cause inflammation which can increase the risk of some diseases.
Visceral fat should make up about 10 per cent of your total body fat.’