Can you leave begonias in pots over winter
- how to plant tuberous begonias in pots
- how to grow tuberous begonias in pots
- how to care for tuberous begonias in pots
- how to plant tuberous begonia bulbs
What to plant with begonias in pots.
These Popular and Easy-to-Grow Flowers Come in Many Types
These attractive plants are invaluable as house plants, for the greenhouse, and for filling summer flower beds.
Some kinds are grown for their ornamental leaves, others for their flowers; some bloom in summer, others in winter, while a few flower more or less all the year round.
Types of tuberous begonias
Begonias are found wild chiefly in South and Central America, though many are native plants of India and other tropical and subtropical countries. They belong to the family Begoniaceae. The name Begonia commemorates a Frenchman, M.
Michel Begon.
Begonias can be grouped conveniently into three sections:
- Tuberous-rooted
- Fibrous-rooted
- Those valued for their ornamental leaves
Tuberous Begonias.
These have large underground tubers.
Tuberous begonia growth requirementsModern varieties have evolved by crossbreeding between several South American wild types, and by further crossbreeding between those so raised. There are innumerable varieties with single, semidouble, or double flowers in almost every color except blue.
It is worthwhile selecting named varieties from a catalog
- how to plant begonia tubers
- how to grow begonias in pots