5 essential things to bring in hiking

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    what to carry in your hiking backpack
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    A Complete Backpacking Checklist (Must-Have Essentials)

    Last Updated on January 30, 2023 by Rose Morah

    We all know the number one rule of backpacking is to carry less. But most people are always caught up in the dilemma of choosing what to and not to carry.

    This is because for some reason we always feel like we will need everything during our backpacking or hiking trip.

    To help you decide between what to carry and what to leave, we have listed 10 must-have backpacking essentials for your trip.

    And so, in this article, we will cover:

    • What to pack for a short and long hike.
    • How to pack light for backpacking
    • How to pack a trekking backpack
    • What not to bring on a hike.

    Related: 11 Backpacking & Hiking Tips When Out of Shape or Overweight.

    We will start off with what to pack for a short and long hike.

    Must-have backpackingessentials for long and short hikes

    1. Navigations – a compass map.
    2. Shelter – tent, hammock, tarp, etc.
    3. First aid kit.
    4. Poop kit –this includes toilet paper, towels, etc.
    5. Toiletries – toothpaste, toothbrush.
    6. Water.
    7. Cook kit e.g stove.
    8. F

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